Elite Performance Coaching for Traders

Elevate your performance

Performance coaching for traders London

As a former professional dressage rider, I know first hand that mindset is everything when it comes to winning. In the world of sports, it would be unthinkable that someone would try and make it to the top without a coach. Now apply that to the world of high-stakes finance; highly competitive and with an intense pressure to win. A coach is your secret weapon.

It doesn’t matter if you are a professional sports person or a city trader — if you want to be the best, you need to consistently perform at your best; mentally, physically and spiritually. This requires resilience, focus, flexible thinking, self-trust and an unshakeable inner confidence. This is where coaching can help.

“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul” —William Ernest Henley

If you are a trader or fund manager, looking to perform or stay at elite level, you have come to the right place. Perhaps you find yourself behaving impulsively at times, going against your plans and even succumbing to fear of missing out. It might feel like you are sabotaging your own progress and you struggle to cope with highs and lows.

This is where I come in, together we can create a winning mindset, resolve self-sabotage, remove self-doubt and fear and build an unwavering confidence. You can elevate your trading to your true potential. I can help you to change unhealthy habits and become the master of a fate that you desire.

Caroline Baber High Performance coach for Traders

Coaching is not therapy, nor is it mentoring. It is solution based and forward thinking. You are the expert in your own life, and as a coach, I will be your sounding board. I will question, challenge and reflect back to you. Alongside this, I can help you make lasting changes through powerful subconscious work, such as NLP and hypnosis.

I am a highly qualified coach, specialising in high performance mindset development. I am based in W1, London or I can come to your central London office (subject to minimum booking requirements).

If you are ready to develop a winning mindset, book a complimentary call now —

ICF certified coach London
NLP Coach London